Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More than secretary

Make and serve coffee, archive documents, meet telephones, send telegrams ... classic stereotype that marked the desks while remaining just a few jokes narrow-minded. Incrementally, these professionals have been conquering your space in the labour market and, finally, the world began seeing the Executive Secretarial. As well as executives, these characters are becoming increasingly important for organizations of all sectors.

This has contributed very professional valuation for growth and development of the area. Before the secretaries were taken as ' babás ' of their executives, today it has been processed and expanded functions. "Tasks are more than support but complementary activities. This is a professional advisor's leading producer of information, services and people, "explains the current coordinator of United Methodist University's Executive Secretarial of São Paulo, Ana Maria Martins.

This multifunctional characteristic has attracted the stares diverse sectors. Therefore, the field of expertise of the Secretarial is increasingly broad. Secretarial professionals can act both public and private companies, as in small, medium and large organizations. "The Executive Secretaries are formed to work on management, Board

What is more competition, as in other areas, is also a growing problem in the Executive Secretariat. Therefore, the labour market is increasingly demanding. "Not enough. You must have knowledge of business administration, information technology and languages. In addition, efficiency, simplicity, serenity, and the Organization's ability, creativity, initiative and competence are basic requirements for these professionals ", alert Vera.
All these changes also contributes to improving the remuneration of these professionals. "Precisely because they are positions of trust, salaries are very high compared to other areas of knowledge," says Ana Maria. The Coordinator maintains that the newly formed wages vary $ 1,600 to $ 3,000.
This transformation by which the secretarial profession is passing has contributed to increasing the demand for higher education in the area, and consequently for the creation of new courses. Second INEP's (National Institute for educational studies and surveys, there are Anísio Teixeira), currently, 74 executive secretarial courses in Brazil. The total annual enrollment is 6.965, versus sufficient number of concluintes, 1.159.

Source: http://www.universia.com.br/carreira/materia.jsp?materia=10131


O texto fala da importância da secretária nas organizações e da evolução da carreira. Hoje a secretária necessita manter-se constantemente atualizada, isso não só vale para entender o mercado atual, mas porque as suas atividades são geralmente focadas na informação. A secretária executiva moderna assume muito mais compromissos e as suas responsabilidades estão bem distantes dos serviços burocráticos e rotineiros do passado. Além de ter uma influência mais efetiva nas decisões da empresa, é formadora de opinião e vem assumindo funções gerenciais prestando, ao mesmo tempo, assistência a vários executivos.É ela que vai filtrar coletar e reunir as informações gerais da empresa, por isso a importância de se ter um conhecimento generalizado. Esta característica multifuncional tem atraído os olhares de diversos setores. Por isso, o campo de atuação da secretaria está cada vez mais amplo. Os profissionais de secretariado podem atuar tanto em empresas públicas e privadas, como nas organizações de pequeno, médio e grande porte.

Devido a esta transformação na área secretarial a formação superior em secretariado tem crescido cada vez mais e a remuneração dessas profissionais também.

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