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Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Dream Job: Executive Assistant
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Secretarial Interview - Questions and Answers
Sample secretarial interview questions frequently asked by interviewers. The interview answer guidelines will help you prepare your best answers to land the secretary job you want.
Secretarial jobs require a broad base of skills and competencies. The questions asked in the interview for a secretarial or administrative professional job will vary depending on the employer, the level of the job and the candidate's experience. This is a sample of the questions that are most commonly asked in secretarial recruitment.
Source: http://www.best-job-interview.com/secretarial-interview-questions.html
Saturday, September 26, 2009
IX Academic Week of Executive Secretary
• On September 28th, 2009
A Semana Acadêmica de Secretariado realizado entre os dias 28/09 à 30/09/2009, foi um evento organizado pela Unigranrio com parceria da Escola de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. A comemoração pelos 15 anos do curso contou com a participação de professores, alunos do curso e até mesmo de outros.
O evento buscou a complementação do curso com palestras e entretenimento, trazendo para os participantes novos conhecimentos e reconhecimento da profissão.
• Social Responsibility - Responsabilidade Social
• Cocktail Party - Coquetel
Friday, September 25, 2009
Administrative Professional's Day/ Secretary's Day
Green or Blooming Plants
Dish Gardens (several plants in a decorative container)
Fruit Baskets
Gourmet Baskets
Gift Items (candles, etc.)
A Festive Balloon Bouquet
*We appreciate your hard work and enthusiasm!
*We are so greatful that you are part of our team!
*I couldn't do it without you!
*You make the office a friendly place to be!
*Your determination and efforts are appreciated!
*We don't tell you enough, for all that you do... Thanks.
O dia da Secretária é comemorado no dia 27 de abril.
Muitas vezes na correria do dia-a-dia não conseguimos tempo para abradecer aquele (a) que torna nossa vida muito mais fácil.
Sugerimos que aproveite o dia da secretária e manifete os seus agradecimentos.
No texto acima você pode encontrar algumas sugestões de presentes e mensagens de agradecimento.
E nunca se esqueça: planeje e encomende tudo com antecedência para que tudo saia como esperado.
Vocabulary: Secretary's Day - Dia da Secretária / Thanks - Agradecer
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The multifunctionality of the Executive Secretary
The healthcare professional secretarial today, although many are questioning whether it is a profession that can cease to exist, comes every year, gaining notoriety and space. In recent years, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, who have given much space to them. Currently, the secretaries have to be much more complete, the requirements go beyond the skills and expertise.
What is an Administrative Assistant?
As technology has advanced, the duties of the secretary, often maligned, have changed. The term “administrative assistant” is much closer to the actual duties of one of these employees. The U.S. Department of Labor even has a entry about administrative assistants and described their duties: “Secretaries and administrative assistants are responsible for a variety of administrative and clerical duties necessary to run an organization efficiently. They serve as information and communication managers for an office; plan and schedule meetings and appointments; organize and maintain paper and electronic files; manage projects; conduct research; and disseminate information by using the telephone, mail services, Web sites, and e-mail. They also may handle travel and guest arrangements.” But any administrative assistant worth his or her salt will tell you this barely scratches the surface of everything they do.
The good administrative assistant knows intimately how the office functions. While all offices look the same on the surface, each office is different, often influenced by the industry it serves. Some have a more casual chain of command, some are very formal. The movie “The Devil Wears Prada” is a funny and revealing look at the world of the administrative assistant. How could Miranda Priestley have done all she did without her assistants keeping all the balls in the air?
In the office, the experienced administrative assistant knows, for instance, which faxes are important and which are trash; what snail mail can be safely discarded; which e-mails must be forwarded to the boss, and which he or she can deal with. The administrative assistant also deals with the public in many offices, and is a source of general information. He or she will also probably be responsible, at least in part, in training new office staff. She has to know how to work with a variety of office equipment, and may be experienced enough to do minor repairs.
If the administrative assistant is the boss’s primary assistant, she will probably type and compose part of her supervisor’s correspondence, take many of his calls and keep his appointments up to date. An administrative assistant is served best by a college degree, but a sharp high school graduate who is technologically savvy and has good writing skills could also do the job. He or she will need a thorough knowledge of a word processing program, and should know his way around a computer with confidence.
Management may flatter itself that the company couldn’t get along without it, but fire the administrative assistant, and watch how quickly the business falls apart.
O texto acima relata que as funções de secretária também estão sendo absorvidas pelos assistentes administrativos. Contudo todos os dois cargos estão desempenhando arduas funções. o texto narra que o bom assistente administrativo sabe como funcionado minunciosamente as funções do escritório e faz até um paralelo com o filme "O diabo veste prada". Além disso a secretária e o assistente administrativo, muits vezes lidam com o público nos escritórios e geralmente são fontes de grandes informações.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
More than secretary
This has contributed very professional valuation for growth and development of the area. Before the secretaries were taken as ' babás ' of their executives, today it has been processed and expanded functions. "Tasks are more than support but complementary activities. This is a professional advisor's leading producer of information, services and people, "explains the current coordinator of United Methodist University's Executive Secretarial of São Paulo, Ana Maria Martins.
This multifunctional characteristic has attracted the stares diverse sectors. Therefore, the field of expertise of the Secretarial is increasingly broad. Secretarial professionals can act both public and private companies, as in small, medium and large organizations. "The Executive Secretaries are formed to work on management, Board
What is more competition, as in other areas, is also a growing problem in the Executive Secretariat. Therefore, the labour market is increasingly demanding. "Not enough. You must have knowledge of business administration, information technology and languages. In addition, efficiency, simplicity, serenity, and the Organization's ability, creativity, initiative and competence are basic requirements for these professionals ", alert Vera.
All these changes also contributes to improving the remuneration of these professionals. "Precisely because they are positions of trust, salaries are very high compared to other areas of knowledge," says Ana Maria. The Coordinator maintains that the newly formed wages vary $ 1,600 to $ 3,000.
This transformation by which the secretarial profession is passing has contributed to increasing the demand for higher education in the area, and consequently for the creation of new courses. Second INEP's (National Institute for educational studies and surveys, there are Anísio Teixeira), currently, 74 executive secretarial courses in Brazil. The total annual enrollment is 6.965, versus sufficient number of concluintes, 1.159.
Source: http://www.universia.com.br/carreira/materia.jsp?materia=10131
O texto fala da importância da secretária nas organizações e da evolução da carreira. Hoje a secretária necessita manter-se constantemente atualizada, isso não só vale para entender o mercado atual, mas porque as suas atividades são geralmente focadas na informação. A secretária executiva moderna assume muito mais compromissos e as suas responsabilidades estão bem distantes dos serviços burocráticos e rotineiros do passado. Além de ter uma influência mais efetiva nas decisões da empresa, é formadora de opinião e vem assumindo funções gerenciais prestando, ao mesmo tempo, assistência a vários executivos.É ela que vai filtrar coletar e reunir as informações gerais da empresa, por isso a importância de se ter um conhecimento generalizado. Esta característica multifuncional tem atraído os olhares de diversos setores. Por isso, o campo de atuação da secretaria está cada vez mais amplo. Os profissionais de secretariado podem atuar tanto em empresas públicas e privadas, como nas organizações de pequeno, médio e grande porte.
Devido a esta transformação na área secretarial a formação superior em secretariado tem crescido cada vez mais e a remuneração dessas profissionais também.
Ten Commandments of Working
Source: http://www.facape.br/secretariado/decalogo.html
Code of Ethics 'Executive Secretary'
Article 3 -Requires the professional care for the prestige and responsibility of their profession, treating it as often as one of the most noble, contributing, through the example of their actions, to raise the category, the moral and legal precepts.
Chapter II.Rights
Chapter III.Tthe Fundamental Obligations
Chapter IV.Professional Secrecy
Article 7 -Professional sign is prohibited to documents which may result in professional dignity commitment for the category.
Chapter V.Relations between professional Secretaries
Article 9 -Professional: a) is prohibited to use the heading friendships and influences obtained in the exercise of its function to get any kind of favoritism personnel or facilities, to the detriment of other professionals; b) deliberately harming another professional reputation; c) be Secretary, according to its spirit of solidarity, conniving with error, criminal infringement or contravention of this code of ethics.
Chapter VI.Relations with the company
Chapter VII.Relations with the entities category
Article 13 -Comply with the resolutions adopted by the entities of the class.
Article 14 -When the directing role performance in entities of the category, not used that position in their own advantage.
Article 15 -Participate in social movements and/or studies that relate to their professional activity field.
Article 16 -The Secretaries and clerks must meet their obligations, such as monthly payments and taxes, legally established, with class entities.
Chapter VIII.Obedience, application and duration of the code of ethics
Article 18 -Rests with the Secretaries teachers inform, enlighten and guide students, for the principles and standards contained in this code.
Article 19 -The infringement of this code of professional ethics, lead to penalties from the registry warning to appeal in the form of professional legal devices and/or procedure through the National Association of Secretaries and clerks.
Article 20 -Constitute misconduct: a) violate provisions of this code; b) exercise the profession without duly approved under the law; c) use the name of the Professional category and/or Secretaries desks for any purpose without the endorsement of unions of State-level class and the National Federation inorganizadas unions localities and/or national level.
Source: http://www.fenassec.com.br/codigo.htm
Esse é o Código de Ética da Secretária Brasileira, criado pela a ABES — Associação Brasileira de Entidades de Secretárias - um dos instrumentos básicos para o direcionamento correto da nossa atuação como profissionais. Ele pode ser utilizado para uma reflexão ou auto avaliação profissional e pode auxiliar na prática da profissão também.