Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The Company Secretary occupies the critical place in the company's organizational pecking order stimulating with arduous responsibilities for the proper observance of numerous legislation's. He is the Chief Administrative Officer of the company who has to advise and guide the Board of Directors so as to ensure that the multifarious statutory requirements are duly adhered to. This places the secretary in an unenvious position of constantly updating his knowledge and skills in the understanding and application of a plethora of corporate laws which are complex and inter-linked. An attempt has been made in this paper to present the changing role of company secretaries in the liberalized economic scenario.

Company secretaries have been playing a three-fold role as a statutory officer, as a Coordinator and as an administrative officer. According to sec.2 (30) of the Companies Act, 1956 the term "officer" includes any director, manager or secretary. Though in the eyes of law, the secretary is a mere officer of the company, in actual practice he commands considerable influence with the directors. The status of the secretary has changed remarkably over a period of time. In Panorama Developments Ltd., vs. Fidelis Furnishing Fabrics Ltd., (1971), it was observed by Lord Denning that, "A company secretary is a much important person nowadays than he was in 1887. He is an officer of the company with extensive duties and responsibilities. From the position of clerk, he has now been elevated to that of managerial cadre. Many of the company secretaries have reached the top position like Chairman, Managing Director, and Executive Director, in their own groups. As a member of the top corporate management, the secretary has come to be accepted as an indispensable professional to ensure corporate governance. He plays a key role in coordinating with the various statutory bodies like SEBI, BIFR, Stock Exchanges, RBI, Department of Company Affairs, Company Law Board in connection with the approvals, sanctions and consents under the various corporate laws.
There has been a growing awareness and appreciation in the Government and the corporate sector of the great support from the Corporate Professions whereby they have ushered in an area of self-regulation. Company Secretaries have become necessary adjuncts in the corporate management hierarchy as they are looked upon for sound counsel and advice on all matters of importance.
The Corporate sector has recognized the role of company secretaries Corporate managements are constituted by corporate executives of multi discipline professionals having dynamism and vision for the effective role of moulding and shaping the corporate sector under any demanding situation. Company secretaries who are also multi - disciplined professionals, have occupied the key and pivotal statuses in the corporate sector have established a good track record of having performed the responsibilities and functions as envisaged in various corporate laws.
With the increased professionalisation of corporate management in the context of modern corporate culture, company secretaries play a key role in guiding and shaping the distinct corporate entity, engaging him. He is often looked upon as a Senior Management Professional who is expected to discharge a wide range of responsibilities. Company Secretary who wields considerable authority in the corporate hierarchy is undoubtedly a professional manager. The most significant managerial skill and professional competence that differentiate him from other managers is the coordinating skill which he has to exercise constantly to bring the different functional specializations within the organization to realize its objectives. In view of the new corporate environment on account of liberalization and globalization, corporate management has witnessed a pronounced shift in favour of management by professionals, among whom the role of company secretary is all the more important.
In a decentralized and liberalised economic and legal environment, the role of a company secretary assumes greater significance and arduous responsibility. A company secretary is no more now a company law secretary. Though compliance of corporate laws is an important function of a company secretary, his role does not commence and end with mere compliance of laws.
Besides a company law specialist and management expert, today a company secretary is required to be a computer secretary. In the changed technological environment, company secretaries have to be expert user of modern information techniques there by enhancing their utility quality of service to the organization and of the clients.
The profession of company secretaries has made remarkable contribution in the liberalised economic and industrial scenario. For, most of the company secretaries perform their duties as merchant bankers, consultants, fund raisers, administrators, programmers and so forth. The financial reforms, capital market reforms, economic reforms have once again thrown up greater challenges and opened up new vistas for the profession of company secretaries. The enactment of Depositories Act, 1996, Companies (Amendment) Act, 1996, Take over code, Securities have (Amendment) Act, 1995, changes in securities contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, increased powers to SEBI, Forex Management, financial services, foreign collaboration and joint venture agreements, formation of mutual funds, asset management companies and depositories, emergence of institutions like Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd, Credit Rating Agencies, National Stock Exchange, OTCEI, have all activated the corporate sector to a large extent. Other important areas where company secretaries can contribute substantially include environmental audit, secretarial audit, securities audit, compliance of SEBI guidelines, patents and trade marks, consultancy services and so forth.
Though some clauses in companies Act,1956 nostalgic to the profession company secretaries, significant aspects like hybrids, derivatives and options, provision for buy - back of shares, setting up of Indian Depository Receipts, adequate corporate disclosures, mergers, demergers and corporate restructuring, secretarial compliance certificate have thrown open challenging tasks and opportunities for the profession of company secretaries.
It is clear from the foregoing discussion that company secretaries have come to be accepted by all as an independent and indispensable professional. The role of company secretary has not merely changed; it has transformed itself into new dimensions. The changes have terrified new challenges and tasks; that spur the professional instincts of a company secretary to identify himself with the whole of business.

Comentário: O artigo destacou como a secratária se tornou um profissional de extrama importancia nas organizações, vem mostrando que embora nos olhos da lei a secretária é apenas um mero oficial da companhia, na prática real comanda a influência considerável com os diretores e assume responsabilidades de peso. Assim estes profissionais vem conseguindo mostra o quão seu trabalho e suas funçãoes poder ajudar no desenvolvimento das empresas.

Become a Executive Secretary or Administrative Assistant

Become a Executive Secretary or Administrative Assistant

Generally speaking, executive secretaries and administrative assistants provide high-level administrative support for top executives of an organization and/or office staffs. They are distinguishable from secretaries in that they typically handle more complex responsibilities, performing fewer clerical tasks and more information management. Specific duties might include bookkeeping, managing budgets, maintaining websites, making travel arrangements, preparing agendas and making arrangements for meetings, preparing meeting documents for review, and even taking minutes at meetings. In some cases, they are also responsible for conducting research and preparing statistical reports. Executive secretaries and administrative assistants typically work in settings such as schools, hospitals, corporate venues, government agencies, or legal and medical offices. The majority of them are full-time employees who work a standard 40-hour week.
Education, Certification, Licensing
To be successful today, an executive secretary/administrative assistant should possess at least an associate's degree, although a 4-year bachelor's degree is highly preferable. A degree related to the business or industry in which the person is seeking employment can yield a significant advantage in the job application process. The broad level of skills required for the occupation include proficiency in word processing, writing, communication, and a high degree of creativity. Knowledge of software applications such as desktop publishing, project management, spreadsheets, and database management is extremely usefuL.

Certification for proficiency in office skills, while not a hard requirement for most employers, can be very helpful to prospective executive secretaries and administrative assistants. Certifications are available through organizations such as the International Association of Administrative Professionals, which awards the Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) and the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) designations. These prominent certifications can be earned by meeting certain experience or educational criteria and passing an examination.

Comentário: O artigo relata como é importante a secretaria ou um ajudante administrativi apoir de modo signicativo nas tarefas que a empresa exige. Isso contribuia para que a empresa cresça de forma correta e ordeira. Quando um profissional cuida de suas responsabilidades com apresso e dedicação evita sobrecarregar outros e mostra total profissionalismo.

What Does an Executive Secretary Do?

Today's Executive Secretaries combine hard technological savvy with the softer skills of effective personal interaction to add significant value to their organizations. This article will briefly describe what an Executive Secretary does.
Overview of the
Executive Secretary Position
Executive Secretaries work directly for and provide close administrative support for an executive. Executives include those at the management level of an organization who has the authority to determine and implement policy. The extent of an Executive Secretary's own authority, along with his or her responsibilities and duties, often depends on the power exercised by the supervising executive. Whatever that may be, Executive Secretaries often have administrative and managerial duties, among other responsibilities.
Administrative Duties for Executive Secretaries
Administrative duties include clerical and gate-keeping responsibilities typically associated with secretarial positions. Today, these duties have been much enhanced by information technology. Common tasks include the following:

• Taking dictation and writing correspondence
• Reading and screening correspondence
• Receiving and screening callers and visitors
• Coordinating the executive's calendar, schedule and itinerary
• Making travel arrangements
• Prioritizing and referring information appropriately
• Producing documents, charts and presentations
• Editing documents and preparing them for executive approval
• Maintaining records and files
• Operating and maintaining office equipment
• Monitoring office expenditures
• Managerial Responsibilities of an Executive Secretary
Depending on the size of the office and the experience of the individual, an Executive Secretary may be delegated supervisory responsibilities. The following list outlines various managerial duties:

• Hiring, assigning and supervising office personnel
• Writing, adjusting and maintaining office procedures
• Insuring compliance with organizational policies
• Insuring compliance with federal, state and local law
• Planning and participating in meetings
• Preparing budgets and reports
• Enhanced Duties

Executive Secretaries often have many years of experience and high levels of education. These, combined with a demonstration of trustworthiness and good judgment, may lead an executive to grant the Executive Secretary great independence of action. The Executive Secretary may provide important advice and counsel. They may act as a proxy in an executive's absence. In some cases, an experienced Executive Secretary may qualify for executive positions within an organization.



Ser um secretária executiva exige muita dedicação para que possamos expressar diretamente um poder de ajudar os executivos, gerenciando ativamente quando preciso.

É importante ressaltar que a extensão da autoridade de uma secretária executiva, juntamente com as suas responsabilidades e deveres, muitas vezes, depende do poder exercido pelo executivo responsável.

Em muita das vezes os anos de experiência, combinados com uma demonstração de confiabilidade e bom senso, pode levar um executivo à conceder a independência de sua secretária executiva.



Screening - Triagem

Charts - Gráficos

Expeditures - Despesas

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

International Associations

PSA - Professional Secretaries Association of South Africa
Evelyn Fourie - President
Tel: 27 21 447 5114
Fax: 27 21 447 6289

FIAS - Federação Interamericana de Associações de SecretáriasNorma Naranjo - Costa Rica - PresidentTel: 506 231 5321Fax: 506 233 3372

AIOP - Australian Institute of Office Professionals

APSCV - Associação de Profissionais de Secretariado de Cabo Verde
Edna Timas - Presidente
Tel: 00 238 998-8161

Asociaciación del Secretariado Profesional de Madrid

FENAS - Fed Nac de Secretarias de EspanhaElisa Del Pino - PresidentTel: 341 350 3767Fax: 341 644 3010

IAAP- International Association of Administrative Professionals

Alaska - Anchorage Legal Secretaries

American Society of Corporate Secretaries

Legal Secretaries International

JSA - The Japan Secretaries AssociationAi Ishikawa - President e-mail: ishikawa@gol.comTel: 81 3 3431 7360Fax: 81 3 3431 5533

ASSEMO - Associação das(os) Secretárias(os) de MoçambicanasBasília da Conceição Felisberto Machatine - Secretária GeralAv. Zedequias Manganhela nº 591 - 2º and - Porta 14
Moçambique - Maputo
Telefax: 00 2581 30 29 97

Asociacion de Secretarias de ParaguayInocência Barreto - PresidentTel: 592 21 449161Fax: 592 21 442368

ASP -Associação de Secretárias Profissionais PortuguesasPresidente: Maria da Graça GomesContactos : 351-21- 32 10 100Celular : 91 - 445 11 79e-mail : mailto:asp@asp-secretarias.ptwww.asp-secretarias.pt

Acima pode-se consultar todas as Associações Internacionais.
Vocabulary: Association - Associação / Anchorage - Amparo /

Monday, November 23, 2009

'Ethics is fundamental to the career', says Executive Secretary

Elizabeth Kataoka is an official of the Votorantim group for 17 years. She began the career intern at Ford of Brazil.

Elizabeth Regina Kataoka, 43, is secretary for 25 years. Ostensibly in love with the profession, Elizabeth is 17 years as executive assistant in the Votorantim group. For her, being an ethical person and discreet are key requirements to do well in the labor market. Read below for an interview for the G1.

G1 - Why do you want to study secretariat? Where and when did it form?
Elizabeth - I chose the profession as a vocation. I graduated from "technical secretariat" in 1983, and "Executive Secretariat bilingual" in 1993.

G1 - Have you ever worked as a secretary before taking the college?
Elizabeth - Yes, I attend the "Executive Secretary bilingual" after serving some years as secretary. We had already begun the faculty of letters, but I opted for a more targeted training and specifically in the area.

G1 - How did your career? The lady came to intern?
Elizabeth - I started my career at 18 years by spending time in Brazil's Ford and General Motors. These stages are very important to me because I had the privilege of starting the job in two large corporations. Then I started to work in other companies as a junior secretary, secretary desk management and board. At 26, he enrolled in college in "Bilingual Executive Secretary, joined the KSR Distribuidora (a business unit of Votorantim Celulose e Papel), the company I work for 17 years, now as executive assistant.

G1 - How is the day-to-day an executive secretary?
Elizabeth - The activities are very diverse. We are multifunctional. We must be alert to everything, prioritize the tasks of the day, collect information and always focused on solving problems and the search results, brokering contacts and routines.

G1 - How do you deal with situations stereotyped as the only secretary that serves coffee?
Elizabeth - Today, serving coffee is not part of the duties of the profession. The activities are fully related the advice of the executives, focusing on business objectives and facilitating the routines of the area it serves.

G1 - What is the most difficult career? And the best part of the profession?
Elizabeth - The greatest difficulty is to enter and work in a large company. The best part is that you have knowledge and know several areas, and companies from different segments.

G1 - What is your assessment of the labor market? Pays well? There's room for everyone?
Elizabeth - The market is crowded. The chances are greater for those who have differences, such as higher education in the area, an area of more than one language. The pay is better at large companies, positions bilingual and advice to senior executives.

G1 - What is the main difference in an executive secretary for a desktop without college degrees?
Elizabeth - The degree in the executive secretariat, and prepare the professional to work in the area, provides the right of the qualification in the profession. The course offers a more specific knowledge in areas such as law, languages, economics, financial mathematics, accounting, business etiquette, technical secretarial, business management, among other disciplines.

G1 - which features a desktop has to meet to do well in career?
Elizabeth - Ethics is fundamental. Among the main features I would like: education appropriate field microcontrollers, good verbal fluency, knowledge of two or more languages, dynamic, emotional maturity, initiative, flexibility, organization, commitment to work, have the ability to work under pressure, whether managing conflict, ease in interpersonal relations and teamwork, proactivity, impeccable personal presentation, be discreet, polite, good-humored and patient.

G1 - What tip would you give to those seeking a secretariat?
Elizabeth - First you have to love the profession. Search courses to trainers and coach, technologist or bachelor's degree in secretarial, keeping always up to date with extracurricular courses, languages, and always be well informed by reading newspapers and weekly magazines.

Source : , November 25, 2007


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Symbolism of the Secretariat

The sentence of the book is the story of the desk, since the time of the scribes, whose work has always been linked to the act of writing. Represents the write secretariat and symbolizes writing their own history. The snake wrapped around a pole representing the East, the wisdom that can be used both to build and destroy.

Oath for the Degree

I, Professional Executive Secretary, under oath, I pledge:
"Exercising the profession within the principles of ethics, integrity, honesty, and loyalty, respect the Constitution, the Code of Professional Ethics and institutional norms, seek continuous improvement and, to contribute with my work for a more just and more humane. "
Stone: Sapphire Blue
Official color adopted at the Plenary Consec-VIII National Congress Secretariado/1992 in Manaus.

Oath for the Technical Course in Secretariat

I, Professional Secretariat, under oath, I pledge:
"Exercising the profession within the principles of ethics, integrity, honesty, and loyalty, respect the Constitution, the Code of Professional Ethics and the constitutional rules, to seek continuous improvement and, to contribute with my work for a more just and more humane. "
Stone: Aquamarine
Official color adopted at the Plenary Consec-VIII National Congress Secretariado/1992 in Manaus.

Source: (transleted text)

Acima aprendemos o significado da simbologia do Secretariado e o julgamento a ser feito para o curso superior e para o curso tecnico.


Simbolism - Simbologia
Oath - Juramento

Executive Secretary Duties and Responsibilities

In order to facilitate the eventual recruitment by The SETI League, Inc. of an Executive Secretary, the following Duties and Responsibilities have been established as guidelines by the Board of Trustees. This job description is subject to modification by the Board of Trustees in cooperative colsultation with any successful candidate for said position, if and when established.

Working independently and without need for on-site supervision, the Executive Secretary functions as the office manager for The SETI League, Inc. He or she is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the corporation, and provides full Headquarters support to our one thousand members in over fifty countries. The Executive Secretary hires and supervises any paid office staff, coordinates all volunteer office workers, and routinely handles unusual problems under difficult circumstances in what is sometimes an unsettled environment.

Organization:The Executive Secretary acts as liaison between management levels within the organization, supporting volunteer Regional Coordinators and Committee Chairs with information, materials and assistance in handling of corporate funds. He or she maintains The SETI League, Inc. Policy Manual; maintains up-to-date Field Organization records; assists with the logistics and organization of the Annual Membership Meeting and any Regional Membership Meetings; and manages all correspondence directed to SETI League headquarters.

Financial:The Executive Secretary maintains all corporate books and accounts, receives and disburses funds, and handles all corporate financial transactions in accordance with national accounting standards and accountants' recommendations . He or she provides the Accountant and the Board of Trustees with financial information as required; identifies financial resources; prepares grant applications; assists the Executive Director in fundraising campaigns; participates in the preparation and maintenance of the corporation's budget; handles all billing and collection of funds; maintains inventory of tangible corporate assets for audit and tax purposes; maintains good financial and business relationships with banking institutions, credit card companies, and securities brokers; and maintains good corporate relationships with companies doing business with The SETI League, Inc.

Publications:The Executive Secretary assists the Executive Director in maintaining The SETI League, Inc. website; assists with the writing, editing, production and distribution of SearchLites, the Quarterly Newsletter of The SETI League, Inc.; negotiates for printing and mailing of SETI League publications; secures and manages bulk mailing permits as required; meets all reporting obligations of the US Postal Service; and fills requests from individuals, organizations and governments for SETI League educational and scientific publications and software.

The Executive Secretary provides all necessary forms and information to the Payroll Service and Accountants; coordinates and remits payment for all employee benefits; and assures that all corporate and payroll taxes are paid promptly, and associated forms prepared accurately and submitted in a timely manner.

Membership: The Executive Secretary is the first point of contact for members and prospective members contacting The SETI League, Inc. He or she assists in recruiting new members by responding promptly to telephone and email inquiries; maintains all membership; prepares and distributes the annual Membership Directory, processes new membership applications and renewals and communicates all necessary information; provides administrative support for the membership at large; provides notification and follow-up for membership renewals; and assists the Executive Director in the planning and writing of membership literature.
Public Relations:The Executive Secretary is the first point of contact for members of the press contacting The SETI League, Inc. He or she maintains The SETI League, Inc. press list; distributes Press Kits; assists the Executive Director in the writing of Press Releases and Director's Letters; distributes Press Releases and Director's Letters; schedules media and personal appearances by the Executive Director; provides information about The SETI League, Inc. and SETI activities in general in response to telephone, facsimile, email, and postal inquiries; and assists in the preparation and distribution of public relations materials.

Regulatory:The Executive Secretary files all forms, maintains all records, and submits all evidence necessary to maintain The SETI League's federal tax-exempt nonprofit status, and to maintain the corporation's registration as an approved charity and exempt organization within the State of New Jersey.

Computer Literacy: The Executive Secretary is fluent in HyperText Markup Language (HTML); the Windows® 95/98/NT/2000 Operating Systems; and the Microsoft ® Office Professional Edition software suite, including the latest versions of Microsoft ® Word, Access, Excel, Power Point, and Outlook.
These Rules and Regulations shall have the force and effect of Bylaws of The SETI League, Inc. They may be amended as necessary from time to time by the Board of Trustees. Amendments or revisions shall become effective as of the date of their posting to the World Wide Web site of The SETI League, Inc.

(Adopted by resolution of the Board of Trustees of The SETI League, Inc. at its annual meeting on 28 March 1999)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Professional Development for Executive Secretary and Administrative Assistant

Professional Development for Executive Secretary and Administrative Assistant
Cairo October 25 - 29, 2009

The role of the secretary is rapidly changing and he/she is taking on more of the work of the manager. He/she needs to develop administrative skills into managerial talents in order to enable his/ her superior to delegate work with assurance.
To identify and correct deficiencies, enhance strengths and promote professionalism in the modern executive secretary and administrator.
You will Learn how to:
Develop and effective communication strategy with your boss and gain respect from other employees
Apply techniques for solving day to day administrative problems
Conduct efficient, effective meetings
Develop necessary business manual and records management processes
Demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills
Enhance your personal performance within your organization
Understand what your organization requires from you to increase your value
Realize how to develop your career
Project the right corporate image
Develop your stress management techniques
Build your confidence and learn how to delegate without creating an atmosphere
Discover how to influence your boss
Priorities when working for more than one boss
Identify career tip ways of being a model employee
Understand different cultures in the work place
Anticipate your bosses requirements before he has to ask you
What managers want from today’s secretaries
How to control time instead of having time control you
A look at new technology and its impact

Setting Goals
Defining goals setting
Thought to motivate you to set goals
Separating real from neurotic goals from ideals to action
Improving and managing a successful relationship with your boss
Deepen on your understanding of your managers challenges
Setting a solid foundation in the partnership
The non-communication manager
Dealing with difficult personalities
Manager/Secretarial partnership
Managing stressful situations –how to stay calm
Making a decision, does your boss permit you to take initiative?
Developing a productivity working relationship with your boss –how to make a winning team?
How do you find out about each others personality traits to ensure a smooth working relationship?
Generating goodwill getting to trust each other?
How do you deal with your bosses changing moods?
Benefits of adapting your style to compliment your bosses style
Anticipating each others needs –how to deliver before you are asked?
What are the main prerequisites for being a winning team?
Working for more than one boss
Setting priorities –deciding what can wait and what needs to be done now
Understanding the functions of our bosses and their priorities
The importance of open communications
Increasing your effectiveness by developing your organization skills
Elements necessary for good communication
Step to communicate well
Charting out your personality
Understanding your strengths and stresses
To be aware of the communication process in business.
To use the appropriate communication medium
To be aware of the causes of communication breakdown.
To practice effective listening techniques
To identify the procedures for planning and preparing a successful presentation
To be aware of the use of visual aids and technology in presenting information
Communication and gender and age
Dealing with difficult personalities through the right communication skills.
Managing your time and operations to increase your personal effectiveness
How to optimize the use of your time?
To learn the techniques of effective time management
Planning the first ten minutes
Avoiding the busy trap
Understanding job priorities
Using the two-way communication
Prioritizing tasks
Using a tracking system
Understanding urgency
Addressing excuses
Achieving success
Number of Techniques that Aim to Increase the Effectiveness of a Person in Getting the Things Done.
To-do list
Goal setting
Rational goals
Directional goals
Muddling through
Value and cost of meeting
Types of meetings
Successful meeting leader and participants
Meeting process
The manager / secretary meeting the second magic ten minutes
Learn how to control time during meetings
Controlling your telephone
Dissolving time loss causes
Creative thinking & problem solving
Defining problem solving
Planning your strategy
Exploring alternative decision
Taking real problems and working through them
Five style for dealing with conflicts
Creating a high profile
Identifying the barriers
How to move forward
How to become more influential and productive
Report to your manager
Creating a personal action plan
Building your reputation- What makes you a top of the range Executive Secretary.
Who are the people you can learn from inside/ outside the organization
What is a mentor? Do you have one?
Dedication –how much should you enjoy the work you do take pride in it?
Loyalty and discretion –are the title white lies acceptable?
Appearance –does your personal appearance really reflect the worth you place in yourself
Good common sense and logic
Discipline, efficiency and ability to organize
Making the office technology work for you
Making maximum use of your personal computer- Using the different software to organize your work.
Using e-mail to improve communication
The Internet – what it can do for you?
The future role of the PA/Executive Secretary
The factors currently affecting your role
Changes to the role –is it an opportunity or threat?
The role in the future – where do we go from here?
What skill attributes and qualifications do you need?
Tips on ways to gain skills that will help you stay ahead.
Executive Secretaries
Personal Assistants
Executive Assistants
Senior Secretaries
Administrators wishing to enhance their ability to perform and be happier with their responsibilities.
Those working in the office environment with responsibility for the efficient administration and co-ordination of the physical, administrative and human resources of a department.
Training handouts will be in English

English / Arabic.

9:30 AM till 3:00 PM Offering 2 coffee breaks, juices, Lunch during the seminar
Companies operating in Egypt. .
LE 5400 without Accommodation
LE 10400 with Accommodation(bed only)
Companies operating outside Egypt..
EURO 2500 without Accommodation
EURO 3375 with Accommodation(bed only)

25 % discount for registration and full payment 1 Month before the date of the seminar.
10 % discount for registration and full payment 10 Days before the date of the seminar.
Send three participants and take the fourth for free.
The fourth free participant will bare only the accommodation cost if registration is with accommodation.
Payment should be before the seminar Egyptians: Cash or cheque in Settec’s name.Non-Egyptians: transfer to Settec in the following account:Bank name: Arab BankBank address: 41 Abdel Razek El Sanhory, Nasr City, Cairo, EgyptSwift code: ARABEGCXNSRAccount name: SettecAccount number: 5006 - 482189 - 417

Monday, November 16, 2009

What Skills Are Taught in Executive Secretary Training Programs?

The Executive Secretaries are among those who provide administrative support to the various levels of business and organizational management. Individuals who possess strong communication, mathematics and business skills are in demand for this type of employment. This article provides an account of these skills.

Executive Secretary Job Overview

Executive Secretaries often work closely with the executives whom they support. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,, Executive Secretaries deal with information management tasks, such as scheduling conference calls and reviewing memos. The extent and complexity of their duties can depend on a number of factors. Among these factors are:

• Education and certification
• Experience in administrative support, management and business
• An executive's level within the organization
• An executive's confidence in the secretary's effectiveness and discretion

Executive Secretary Program Basics

Training programs for Executive Secretaries emphasize various skills, including keyboarding, speed writing and dictation. Many training programs also include classes to develop the following basic skills:

• Proofreading and editing
• Filing and record keeping
• Office equipment and procedures
• Conference and meeting planning
• Travel arrangements

Communication Skills

Executive Secretaries in the United States need strong reading, writing and speaking skills. Associate's degree programs incorporate courses in English composition and speech. Students can further enhance their credentials by taking foreign language courses. In addition, communication skills in the following technologies are highly valuable:

• Word processing
• Publishing
• Spreadsheets
• Presentations
• Internet navigation
• Web site development

Management Skills

Executive Secretaries are frequently required to train and supervise others. They may even be in charge of hiring, assigning and evaluating office personnel. Training programs might therefore include coursework in:

• Human relations
• Management and supervision
• Motivation
• Team building strategies
• Project management

Business Skills

Mathematical competency is an essential skill for Executive Secretaries. Coursework may include business math and algebra. Other mathematical subjects may include:

• Personal finance
• Accounting principles
• Business law
• Budgeting
• Procurement
• Payroll
• Tax policy

Further Education for Executive Secretaries

Many secretarial positions may be secured with a certificate an associate degree; however, it's becoming more common for high-level Executive Secretarial positions to demand a bachelor's degree. Some jobs may even require an MBA.


Assim como já foi citado em outros artigos, esse documentário complementa as informações anteriores, deixando claro o quanto é importante que os profissionais participem de treinamentos que facilitarão o compreendimento de suas funções.

Os secretários são aqueles que prestam apoio administrativo aos vários níveis de negócios e de gestão organizacional. Os indivíduos que possuem forte comunicação, matemática e habilidades de negócios estão na demanda para esse ocupar esse emprego. Por isso que atualmente é encontrado muitos cursos que especializam esses profissionais, reunindo: habilidades de comunicação (planilhas, apresentações, desenvolvimento de sites, etc.), competências individuais (motivação, gerenciamento de projetos, relações humanas, etc.) e competências empresariais (orçamento, contrato, folha de pagamentos, etc.).

Muitos cargos de secretariado pode ser comprovada com um certificado de um grau de associado, no entanto, está se tornando mais comum para os cargos de alto nível de secretariado executivo para exigir um grau de bacharel. Alguns trabalhos podem até mesmo exigir um MBA.


• Spreadsheets - Planilhas
• Accounting principles - Princípios contabilísticos
• Budgeting - Orçamento
• Procurement - Contratos

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Secretary Salaries

Average Secretary Salary

In GBP as of Nov 10, 2009.

The average salary for secretary jobs is £ 18,000.

This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "secretary" anywhere in the title of the job listing.

Average Secretary Salaries by Region

In GBP as of Nov 10, 2009.

London - £ 25,000; South East - £ 19,000; Scotland - £ 18,500; Northern Ireland - £ 18,000; East of England - £ 17,732; West Midlands - £ 17,732; South West - £ 17,500; Wales - £ 17,316; Yorkshire and The Humber - £ 17,316; North West - £ 17,316; East Midlands - £ 17,000; North East - £ 17,000.

Average Secretary Salaries by Sector

In GBP as of Nov 10, 2009.

Banking, Insurance & Finance - £ 24,000; Accountancy - £ 23,000; Public Sector - £ 20,000; Secretarial Admin -

£ 20,000; Customer Services - £ 20,000; Construction - £ 19,000; Legal - £ 19,000; Education - £ 18,000; Health & Medicine - £ 17,732; IT & Internet - £ 17,000; Automotive - £ 5,000; Transport & Logistics - £ 5,000; Catering & Hospitality - £ 5,000.



Pode-se ver acima a média salarial de Secretária. Também é possivel ver a diferença de salário por região e a diferença de cada setor.


Vocabulary: Salary - Salário / Average - Média